no one centralized to start, don't know who it the antagonist and the protagonist
man put his hand in his jacket and waits a second before getting out his cigarettes as if a small dramatic pause
we get the first close ups of the character and at first the woman appears to be the bad person in the scene
shot reverse shot of them talking with the man having the most of the screen time.
there kiss is vectored to show the intensity of it.
begins to rain to show that everything isn't perfect.
they kiss again but after we only see the woman smiling as if the man didn't enjoy it as much as she did.
the roles begin to change as instead of the woman seeming like the bad one the man is at this point.
after this we see a small flash and the woman jolts and we know that she has been shot.
we only see the womans really nice side befor she dies but then it is to late.
we then see the gun to confirm that he has shot her
we see a birds eye veiw of them on the floor with the man holding the woman and the man looking to sky to tell us that he didnt want to do this
the camera finally zooms out and we see where this is set, "sin city"